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Getting Engaged Show: A Discussion on Social Engagement

A Discussion on Freedom of Speech for your Brand

To follow up on my previous blog post, Yukari and I discuss how the use of freedom of speech, or really just saying anything you want, can have an impact on your professional future. Sad but true. Have you ever had this problem? Do you totally disagree?

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A Discussion on Twitter Engagement and Personal vs. Business Branding

It’s “twofer” week four for Getting Engaged – Online, in Life and at WorkDoug Brown from Copeland Communications was nice (and brave) enough to join us as our first guest. In fact, we were on such a roll, we decided to do two shows with Doug.

For the first show, we discussed whether Twitter allows for true engagement? This topic sprang from Doug’s blog post and posed question, “Is the answer to double the number of characters you can use on Twitter?”

What do you think?

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For the second show, creatively called “4.5”, we touched on a topic Doug is very passionate about: the argument on whether you should speak as an individual or as your company. I’ve heard a few arguments on this but I’m inclined to agree with Doug and Yukari on this one.

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A Discussion on Being More Human on Social

It’s week 3 and episode 3 for Getting Engaged. I have to say I’ve had to tell at least a few of my friends that it has nothing to do with matrimony. You make like it but you didn’t put a ring on it. (I am so old)

No wedding, sorry. We’re focusing on engagement, specifically this week on being human. Yukari and I talk about connecting with customers/other businesses on a human level.

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A Discussion on “Using” Social Media

We’re at it again:  fighting off technological issues, the need to talk with hands and speaking up.  Episode 2 of Getting Engaged asks the question: Are you “using” social media? We look at an example of a Victoria restaurant that doesn’t quite understand that to get the best use from social media, you have to read your messages…and a recent survey that seems too good to be true. And I think it is.

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A Discussion on Getting Engaged, Online, in Life and at Work

The introductory episode of Getting Engaged – Online, in Life and at Work with Yukari Peerless and me, a weekly look at building relationships online and off. The topics will include: pet peeves, new technologies, social media, customer relations (of course) and may include a few guests. We’re just starting but we’re really excited about discussing engagement. We can’t do it with out you (well we can but it won’t be as much fun) so please let us know of suggestions, ideas and critiques. We can take it.

The first episode is below and the YouTube channel can be found here.

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