Work Smarter by RePurposing your Digital Content
5 Reasons You Need to Take Long-Term Social Customer Care Seriously
Twitter is Dead, Long Live Twitter (Ask your Customers)
You Can Absolutely Ignore Social Customer Care
Warning to Companies: Not Learning Social Media is Hurting You
A Simple T.U.R.N. to Better Customer Service
You Can Write Blogs that Big Business Will Notice
A Customer Service Love Letter to Business
Getting Ungaged? Unmarketing and Others Define Engagment at Social Media Camp
Great Waiters Make Great Social Media Gurus
Getting Engaged Show: A Discussion on Social Engagement
Freedom of Speech Makes You Unattractive
K.I.S.S. – Keep it Social Stupid
Picture of Russel Lolacher

Russel Lolacher

Leader and advocate for using digital engagement in government and public service as a customer service platform to build trust and stronger relationships.

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